Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Host an Easter Egg Decorating Party!

he best thing about this party theme is that it can be as official or as unofficial as you would like it to be. Invite your crafty friends over for some festive Easter fun! You can either call or e-mail your guests to invite them or send invites through the mail (like the flat card invitations I found at Walmart at 10 for $2.97) about two weeks before the party.
What You'll Need:
Purchase egg dying kits, glitter, stickers, paint, and any other craft supplies you think might come in handy to decorate eggs. (I found that the Dollar Tree is a great place to look for such items)

This party doesn't require too much decor, the decorated eggs will do alot! A colorful food table,a simple centerpiece on the craft table , and some paper pom-pom flowers hung from the ceiling will do just fine. Daisies and ranunculus would also be excellent additions.
If the party is co-ed , be sure to have some beer to keep the boys happy! Serve peep-tinis and garnish with a peep on the rim. You could also serve:
-chocolate dipped pretzel rods
-mini cheesecakes
-rice crispy birds nests
-honey ham sandwiches
Send each guest home with the hard boiled eggs they decorated and a recipe card for deviled eggs or egg salad. You can download and print these super-cute recipe cards for free at!

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