Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cathy Riva- Mad Hatter Tea Party

I love Cathy Riva. Here is one of my favorite episodes of the show she used to host on Discovery Home called "Party Girl".The ideas she comes up with for this Mad Hatter Tea Party are too cute! I especially love the use of the wheat grass as a table runner! Enjoy!


  1. Thank you for posting all these! After first seeing this episode, I couldn't get this theme off my mind. Now I am going to host a similar party for my birthday!

  2. Hi! I am Abby and was the art director on this show and came up with the tablescape ideas and more... was just looking for a link to show a friend and came across your site. If you need any tips or want to know where I bought any of that stuff just send me an email! That party was my fave.
